Lured to Cross Fit by a Groupon deal!

A few months ago I saw a Groupon deal that was too good to resist. There was a new Cross Fit class minutes from my home. I’d heard about Cross Fit before I had Gabriel in November. So it was in the back of my mind. I signed up and have regretted it ever since — regretted it in the “how can I be paying for this and why do I keep coming back?” way. My torturer — oops, I mean Cross Fit trainer — is Jai Lewis at The Factory in Westlake Village, CA. But I hear Cross Fits are equally torturous nationwide. They are small group classes that implement a variety of weight training and aerobic activities. The activities, however, are often a bit bizarre. Below you’ll see a picture of what Jai had me do a few weeks ago. Yes, I’m hitting a tractor tire with a sledge hammer. That’s Jai hitting it on the left (notice the speed blur). And then there’s me (nope, no blur). We also had to do drills whereby we flip these tractor tires. My tire weighed a mere 155 pounds and Jai claimed that was a light one!

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